Argyle Red Toe socks
Argyle Red Toe socks.
Free size (adult foot).
CODE: TS0002
4 in stock
Argyle Red Toe socks.
Red Toe socks with Black, White and Yellow argyle diamond patterns.
Length of the Toe socks: Lower to mid calf leg area
Free size (adult foot)
CODE: TS0002
Toe socks – A sock that is soothing and comfortable on your feet. Rather than have all toes of the foot together, toe socks have an individual chamber for each toe, much like a glove has for fingers. It is a hygienic sock that prevents your toes from rubbing together, thereby resisting blisters, bacteria, germ and fungal infections. But, it is also a sock that is fun and quirky for your feet with its glove-like look!
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